Friday, September 07, 2007

Thanks all for the pushing and inspiration!

Today ended up being a surprisingly good day. I decided to just bring my running clothes to student teaching so that I could head to the trails after work. I didn't want to change there, because I thought being seen in my little running shorts would be unprofessional, so I just work a dress and changed into a sports bra underneath so that I could slip on shorts at the trail, and then add the top. I decided to wear sheer stockings since it was cold today, and got the funniest reactions from my students! One girl asked, "Are those your real knees?". Another boy told me my legs looked really dark (apparently doesn't understand dark and light as the stockings actually made my legs look more pale), but then he said they looked soft and asked if he could touch them! Apparently people don't wear these so much any more ;)

So, I got to the trail around 1:15 got changed and geared up, and headed out. And boy, were my legs tired! But then I had a good talk with myself, reminding myself that there is no way in heck my legs will feel fresh 30 miles into that 50 miler, when I have 20 to go, so being tired is about the lamest excuse ever to want to wimp out on a long run. So on I perservered. Now, I've been having wonderful group runs all week (ran with Mimi and Kaelin (not sure I got that right!) on Monday, track on Wednesday, and a new running friend, Ed, on thursday) so I think I was more paranoid than I have been about being alone. But still, I made it to the turn around for the 18 mile out and back, Sand Point, and ended up hanging out with some mountain bikers for about a half an hour. I always get double takes up there since I don't have a bike. Always makes me feel like I'm missing something ;). They were really nice and promised to look out for Mountain Lions for me on the way down, and scare them off so that they wouldn't get me :D

So, As I was getting closer to my car (about 4 miles out) I started thinking that instead of just an extra 2 miles, to get 20, I should do an extra 6! That's the great thing about a pyramid shaped run, you have fabulous downhill where you feel like a million dollars and make ambitious plans. After Rick telling me not to taper in no uncertain terms, I figured I should try to do something a bit more special than just 20. So, I got back to my car, refilled the camelback, ate a luna bar, and headed out again to Potter gate, 3 miles from the parking. I listened to a great recording of Leonard Berstein conducting the West Side Story Suite, which was fabulous (I love running to classical!) and before I knew it there was the gate. Awesome.

I chatted with a woman runner there and encouraged her to check out PCTR, since she's getting back into running, and then headed back. About a mile from the car, I realized in my calculations that I'd be .4 short for the 24! Couldn't have that, so I turned around, ran out for 3 minutes, and back (no garmin, but I figured six minutes of running should be at least .4) and then, finally, got to the car, for 24 miles in about 5 hours and 20 minutes (including the 1/2 hour chat with the bikers :) ).

It was great. I felt super hardcore with my out and backs, as I got lots of appreciative and encouraging remarks and looks from runners and mountain bikers who saw me going both ways. One woman biker commented "You just keep going, don't you?" Indeed I did, at least today.

I felt wonderful finishing, and even pushed it to the car. Even better I met two super nice woman runners (Timmy and, Laurel?) who do marathons. They said they run Nisene a lot, so I'll probably see them around.

So, thanks all you in blog world for inspiring (and reminding me to do these long runs that I need). It was such a nice and fun run and made me feel a lot better about Firetrails. Granted, running 26 more miles than what I did today sounds intimidating still, but I can do this :)

Hope you all have fabulous weekends full of running and fun :D


Rick Gaston said...

24! Sweet. That will go a long way in preparing you for your big 50.

About the nightmares...I think you were trying to sell your stereo so you can fund your new running/racing habit.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl.... very nice! looking forward to your BD weekend and Big Basin. You should ask Scott D if he has any favorite restaurants for Friday night. Maybe that Italian place downtown SC for sat. night pasta. Love you. Dad

Jamie Anderson said...

That is hardcore, especially doing it on a workday as opposed to the weekend. Nice going! You'll rock that 50.

Bob - said...

ummmmmmm I am getting tired but how was ur fuel....u try any carbo drinks?? ... U are a stronger runner then me but the last 10-15miles of my 50 was hard to EAT or even take some gels so please just have some good carbo drinks ready for you the last 10 miles or so of ur 50.... sucks running on empty especially foe some one like you who has a good pace...

you don't want to bonk the last 10...and believe me I don't want to sound negative just want you to have a great race and close it out feeling strong!! it could be only one or 2 ensures away from that kind of finish:-)

Andy B. said...

I can suggest a couple places to eat pre-Boulder Creek. If you like Sushi you could try Shogun on Pacific or Mobo on River St. Mobo's service tends to be slow, but both have good food.

If you are looking for a bit more casual, you could try Charlie Hong Kong's on Soquel Ave.. It's not in the downtown SC area, just a little south, across the street from the Rio Theatre. They have fantastic food, kind of a Thai/Chinese mix and they use all organic with fresh veggies. Try the Spicy Dan's Peanut Bowl with ginger beef (or your favorite meat product of choice). Here is a link to Charlie Hong Kong's website:

Here's a link for general restaurant info:

runningtwig said...

Good job!! You are going to rock the 50 miler!!

JohnF said...

Impressive. You are hardcore, and you will do well in the 50M

Anonymous said...

Great job, Addy! Way to add those extra miles!! Wendell and I are doing the marathon while you're doing the 50 (we have Javelina two weeks later), so we'll be cheering for you out there. It'll be great to see you finish your first 50 miler after seeing you finish your first 50 Km earlier this year!!

Looking forward to seeing you and your family next weekend!!


Anonymous said...

good god, addy! that's awesome! i like how you can find ways to squeeze more miles out of yourself. that will go a long way in the 50. hope your weekend runs were even better.



Jean said...

That is some awesome running, Addy. Putting in 24 miles, even after a day of work? Wow! I have no doubts you will complete your 50. Keep up the great running! :)

And thank you for inspiring others!

Adelyn said...

Rick- I hope so :). I like your dream analysis :D

Dad- Thanks! looking forward to this weekend too

Jamie- It did make it different doing it on a workday, but it wasn't too bad. Just made me nice and tired by the evening :)

Bob- Didn't get to try the drink yet, but I'm going to pick some up today at the store and try it out on this run (and maybe on the 50k this weekend?) And I'm not sure where you're getting this 'stronger runner' business...I'm not out pulling tires around for fun ;)

andy- thanks for the recommendations! My mom actually went ahead and made a reservation at a place she found online, but your list will be good to keep on hand for other nights out. I'm still pretty clueless in the dinner scene here :)

twig- thanks!

john- how nice of you to say :)

Sarah- thanks so much! Look forward to seeing you too! And it'll be really nice having you guys at DC. My family won't be able to attend that one, so it'll be great having running people there at the finish :)

hao- thank you! My weekend running was good, if short.

jean- thanks for having so much faith in me!

Sarah said...

Nice! Sounds like you are working the mental muscles as well as the physical ones. Going back out there for another 6 is awesome!

Dave - Atlanta Trails said...

I'm planning on running 24 this weekend, so this was great inspiration!