Friday, March 30, 2007

Now I need to be an Ultrawriter

As a result of the excitement from finally signing up for the TRT 50k I've been in a flurry of sending and responding to emails, checking out fellow running blogs, doing reading and research, and just generally enjoying myself.

However, I have the first draft of my honors thesis due in 12 days. That's 40-60 pages of intelligent discussion on my topic of choice (Wuthering Heights and The Secret Garden on their portrayal of children and childhood and how The Secret Garden is actually a response to and critique of Wuthering Heights) So far I have 32 pages of writing that isn't at all connected, and an 8 page outline that is very nice, but...well....8 pages.

So, I need to focus. I need to get this done so I can focus on the fun stuff!

1 comment:

seagull junker said...

yea, first things first. get the school work stuff done and then celebrate by running on the trails. you have picked great first 50k in the TRT event. my brother will be doing the 100 just three weeks after Western States 100. have fun.